One of the topics I love to write about on this site is the things my kids say that make us laugh. Every day is something new with them. There are days they make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
But today’s post isn’t about something one of the kids said.
Today is about me and a flighty moment I had yesterday.
The Backstory:
I have very bad eyesight and as a result, I either have to wear glasses or my contacts. Otherwise, I can’t see. (Seriously, I’m legally blind without them.)
On Sunday, while I was working, one of the nose pieces fell off my glasses. On Monday, my fiance called Walmart to see if they could replace it. They said they could.
The “Moment”
After the lady at the Walmart eye care place fixed my glasses, she handed them to me. I put them on and everything went blurry. How could that be? They were fine when I handed them to her.
Me: “What’s wrong with my glasses?”
Her: “Nothing. I just cleaned them.”
My fiance: *smirking* Really? You have your contacts in.”
That was definitely not one of my finer moments. But it was funny, I can admit it.
Sidenote: I ended up walking out of Walmart with a new eyeglass prescription on order. My current glasses are full of scratches, and I’ve honestly needed new ones for awhile. (I’ve had these ones for four years.) I was going to order some new ones back in February, but the place I went to for my eye appointment quoted me almost $400 for just my lenses. Not frames.
Walmart was different, though. I ended up paying $50 more than what my lenses would have cost at the other place for lenses, new frames AND a year’s worth of contacts. So in the end I saved us several hundred dollars. Can’t complain about that.