My husband made a trip to Save-A-Lot for a few items that I wanted him to pick up. Of course, there were a few things that he bought that weren’t on my list, but considering what he spent and what it would have cost him at Wal-mart or Shaw’s for the same items, I can’t complain.
As you will note, some of the items listed do not have any comments beside them because I can’t remember the average pricing at Wal-mart or Shaw’s.
Andy Capp Hot Fries – $.89 (Shaw’s price – $.99)
2- 4-pack of Batteries – $1.99 x 2 – $3.98 (These probably would have been $1 more at other stores)
Large can of cashews – $3.98 (Wal-mart has large cans for $4.98)
Chocolate Pudding – $.99 (At Wal-mart $1.20)
Single serve mac and cheese – $.69 x 8 – $5.52 (Shaw’s and Walmart are $.99 to $1.10, I believe, when not on sale)
Lunchables (3) – $2.97 (At Walmart, these are at least $1.29 each)
Honey Roasted Peanuts – $1.99 (Walmart it would have been at least $2.99)
Pepperoni Pizza $.59 x 4 – $2.36 (The cheapo pizzas at Walmart are $.89 on sale and $1.29 not on sale)
Smiley’s Whole Milk $3.69 (Store brand is $3.89 at most stores. If I go to NH, it’s $2.49)
Trail Mix – $1.99 (At Walmart, it’s at least $2.50)
UTZ Cheeseballs Barrel – $5.89 (These cost me $6.98 at Christmas in Portland)
Vienna Sausage – $.39 x 4 – $1.56 (At Wal-mart, they are $.89 each)
1 Save-A-Lot bag $.10
Total w/Tax: $35.12
Had my husband gone to Walmart or Shaw’s, it would have cost about: $49 plus tax. So I consider this a pretty good trip for him. He’s not always the most savvy of shoppers, and this whole frugal thing is new to him, but he didn’t do bad today.
Save-A-Lot is cool in a lot of ways, and not just because my wife is an assistant mgr there.:) You can get some pretty good deals there, no doubt. You can print coupons from the website too. You should check it out, its worth the trip to save a few bucks.
Patrick recently posted..Paddys Poetry Corner Meditated Solitude
I forgot that your wife worked there.
I think my husband is hooked.