Since my schedule has gotten busier in recent months, my boyfriend and I decided a few weeks back to start working on a separate office space for me where I could keep all of my files, projects, review items, etc. I hate having everything scattered all around the house. Disorganization stresses me out. So I needed a spot I could call my own, where I can escape to in order to work without distraction. A room that I could lock, if need be.
After much talk, we decided that the spare room in the basement was the ideal location for my new office. Since we made that decision to make that room my office, we’ve been decluttering, organizing and coming up with decor ideas. (Yes, my boyfriend even contributed to the list.) And now I have MANY ideas swimming around inside of my already cluttered head. I can’t wait to see what my finished office looks like.
Like any great office, I wanted a corkboard to hang calenders and important papers on. However, I didn’t want some plain old boring one, so I decided I would buy some cute fabric and cover the corkboard up and make it pretty and girly. I wanted them to stand out once hung on the wall.
This fabric covered corkboard project was extremely easy to finish and didn’t cost me a lot. And the great thing is, you can customize your boards with any fabric that you choose. You can also choose a corkboard size that works for you.
As you can see in the photo below, I chose four separate pieces of corkboard that I found at Walmart in the craft and office department. They DO NOT have wood around the edges, so they are more pliable and easy to work with.
To make your own fabric covered corkboards, you will need corkboard or boards, pieces of fabric cut to size, with about an 3/4″ to 1″ of extra material around all edges once the corkboard is centered on the fabric, velcro and thumbtacks.
Once centered, apply pieces of velcro to the corkboard. Make sure both sides are attacked and sticky backing is removed so you can fold over the fabric and it will stick to the velcro. You can use either the Velcro circles or strips. I personally preferred the strips. I tried both but the latter worked better.
One all four sides are folded down, place silver tacks at the corners to keep the material in place. You could use glue if you choose, but I wanted the option of changing the fabric at a later date if I decided I wanted a different color scheme.
Flip over. And voila!