Today my boyfriend and I are celebrating our One-Year Anniversary. A year ago today we went on our first date…and as they say, the rest was history.
He and I are a dating site success story. We initially met on OKCupid several months before our first date when he messaged me, but things didn’t go anywhere between us. About a month or two later, he messaged me again because we both were looking at each other’s profile daily, and he figured it was worth another shot.
Obviously there was mutual interest in each other, and the first message between us wasn’t meant to go anywhere. It wasn’t our time yet. We both believe that things happen when they’re supposed to and not a moment sooner. So we feel that we clicked the second time around because we were meant to.
We became close very quickly, but he realized that he still wasn’t ready for a relationship, and I understood, even though it was hard for me because I really liked him. However, we kept talking and texting, leaning on each other when needed, and a month later we went on our first date.
From the moment I set eyes on him, I lost my heart. I gave him a hug as soon as I climbed out of my van and it felt right. From that first hug I felt safe and secure, something no one else has made me feel. And then I kissed him and it left us both with racing hearts. It wasn’t planned. I hadn’t thought about it. It just happened…and I’m glad it did. People can judge me for it all they want, but something compelled me to kiss him at that very moment, and I did. We still laugh about it because it was so shocking to both of us. And it showed on both of our faces that night.
The day was a raging success. It was so easy to be around each other. We talked..and laughed. We knew it was the beginning of something special.
To say the past year hasn’t been easy would be an understatement. We had to struggle with living so far apart. Also, it has been filled with drama from outside sources. We felt like certain forces wanted us to break up…but we didn’t. We kept holding on and believing in each other. We fought for us because we were far happier and more secure than we had ever been before. We both had FINALLY found the relationship we’d always that built us up and didn’t tear us down.
I can honestly say that he brings out the best parts of me and mellows out the worst parts, like my moodiness. He can calm me down like no one else can. A simple hug from him can ease a panic attack. Sleeping beside him at night makes me feel safe. I don’t feel alone anymore, and I don’t mean in a physical sense. I feel like I found my other half, the yin to my yang.
Even though we celebrated our One Year Anniversary a month ago, on this exact date because that’s when he messaged me for the second time. And we became immensely important to each other, so we mark that as the beginning. But our One Year Anniversary of our first date is today, and that deserves to be recognized.
I’ve been searching for awhile for something special to give my boyfriend. I don’t have a lot of money, so I decided I wanted to make him something. But I didn’t know. I went on a Pinterest search, as I so often do, and came across this project below on the site Life Love Lauren, and I fell in love with it. (Thank you, Lauren, for sharing this idea with all of us. My boyfriend loved it.)
I did borrow some of Lauren’s ideas as far as card topics go and I tweaked some to fit my boyfriend and I’s relationship. Like her, I’m not going to share what was said on each card, but I will share with all of you what the outside of my envelopes say, so you can figure out what to put on yours. And if you do, please link back to me so I can read your posts. I’d love to see what you come up with. I think this is such a beautiful idea and a way to make our significant others feel good.
Open When…
You want to know my dreams for our future
You need a reminder of what makes you a great dad
You need a reminder of why you love me
You need a reminder of why I love you
You need a hug and kiss from me
You’re feeling insecure
You need to talk to me
You’re missing me
Before you fall asleep at night
You need a smile
I’m sad and you don’t know what to do
You need a reminder of why we’re worth fighting for
Wow – Today is my anniversary too! 23 years! I never thought I would do anything for more than 10 years – yet the time has flown. Congratulations and I totally love this idea!
Athena recently posted..Holiday of Surprises Giveaway
I just finished making this for my boyfriend. No special reason, but just because I love him. I hope he loves it!!
I’m sure he will. I think it’s an extremely sweet idea that can make our significant other’s feel loved. And it can help them get through the rough days.
Thank you so much for the idea Lauren!!
i love this idea, i feel like i need a little more help with making the letters inside tho…suggestions?
What ideas do you have so far? I’m more than happy and willing to help you out because I know how much a loved one appreciates the gift.
For me, some of the letters include reminders of things.
For example, in the one about our future, I wrote a list of things I see for us, getting married, having another baby, etc.
The one about him being a good father includes a list of all the things he does for our kids because, as a parent, he forgets what he does for the children….or he downplays it like his actions mean nothing.
As for how to deal with me when I’m sad, I told him what I need during those moments when I can’t tell him because I don’t want to talk.
Hello, me and my boyfriend also met on a website and talked then we lost touch but i always thought about him and yhen he messaged me and we hit it off..we have had our shares of ups and downs but i feel like we are meant to be..i love this idea
Sometimes we lose touch with who we’re supposed to end up with because the timing wasn’t right at first. Sounds like that’s what happened with you and your boyfriend.
I love this idea so much but could never think of enough envelope ideas so thank you so much for actually listing your titles, that was all i needed to get ideas rolling. I am working on this for my boyfriend for christmas. Just curious, about how long were your letters? Im typing mine out first and some if feel like are novels where others are very very short
Hi, Lauren!
To be honest, I don’t think there’s a right answer to this question.
For me, I used cardstock and wrote each one by hand, so they weren’t as long as they would have been had I typed them out. I actually made them fit the size of the envelope and most were two-sided. That being said, I could have made some of them much longer than I did.
I think you should write as much as you want and are comfortable with. Trust me, whatever you put into it, he is going to love. My boyfriend was so incredibly touched that I took the time to sit down and write out notes for him. And he does read them when needed. I have no doubt that yours will be a huge hit too!
Merry Christmas!
I am a teen. Would it still work for a friend or sister of mine? What kind of letters should they be? Obviously I can’t do “what makes you a great dad” cause I don’t have a boyfriend. How many letters do you recommend? By the way, I love this idea! great ideas like this are hard to come across! You’ve been really helpful!
I’m absolutely thrilled you love this idea. I did, too, when I found it on Pinterest.
This would absolutely work for a friend or sister. In fact, my boyfriend’s daughter asked me to write her a set of these kinds of letters to help her get through her tough days. She’s a preteen and already dealing with struggles that I didn’t have to deal with at her age. Though I haven’t made the letters yet, my ideas for her would be:
Open When You Don’t Feel Pretty
Open When You Need a Reminder of Your Good Qualities
Open When You Want a Happy Memory
Open When You Want to Know Why I Love You
Open When You’re Scared
Open When You’re Feeling Insecure
Open When a Boy Breaks Your Heart
Open When You’re Fighting With Your Best Friend
Open When You Are Nervous
Open When You Feel the Need to Fit In
Open When You Need a Laugh
These ideas can work for your letters too! I’m sure as a teen you know how hard it can be to feel good about yourself at times and it helps to hear from someone that loves you what is great about you or what makes you beautiful. You can tell your friend or sister those same things. You can also tell her how amazing she is so when someone breaks her heart she knows it’s that person’s loss and not her fault.
If you need more ideas, please leave another comment or feel free to email me at and I will respond as quickly as possible.
Also, as for how many letters, any amount is good. I would recommend somewhere around 8 to 10. More if you can. But remember it’s not the quantity that matter with this. It’s the thought. Your loved ones will be so touched that you took the time to sit down and do something so personal for them.
Thanks! You were such a big help! I’m going to make these for my best friend for Christmas and I’ll let you know how she liked them! Thanks again!
You’re very welcome, Meggie! I think your best friend is going to LOVE them and I look forward to hearing from you about how much so.
You have some incredible ideas!! I already made a stack of envelops for my husband for valentines day. Now reading this idea for teens, I’m going to start some for my young children who can turn to them when they learn to read! Thank you for posting such great ideas!! I am also going to make some for my grandfather who has early signs of Alzheimer’s who has been alone since my grandmother passed 4 years ago.
Do you have any ideas for letters to your mom?
Hi, Taylor! Great question. Here are my suggestions. I’ve included some that deal with being a grandparent, as well.
Open When You Miss Me
Open When You Are Having a Bad Day and Need a Laugh
Open When You Want to Know my Most Cherished Childhood Memory
Open When You Want to Know Why I Love You
Open When I Make You Mad
Open When You Want to Know How Good of a Grandparent You Are
Open When You Want to Know Why I Admire You
Open When You Want to Know How Much I Appreciate You
Let me know if you need anymore ideas. I’m sure I can come up with more.
Have a happy holiday.
What are your ideas for divorced parents? My parents recently got divorced and want to do this for them but of their own. Just want them to know that I still love them even thought they aren’t together.
Katheryn, I think it’s a great idea to create these letters for your parents even though they’re divorced. As a divorced parent, it hurts to think of our children hating us or being disappointed in us because of our divorce. I think you will bring great joy to your parents’ lives by giving them this gift.
I do have a few recommendations that are similar to what I’ve posted. All you really need to do is change the wording a bit.
You could have one that says “Open When You Want a Reminder of Why I’m Not Mad at You”.
Open When You Want to Remember a Memory We Share
Open When You Want a Laugh
Open When You Want to Know Why I Admire You
Open When You Want to Know Why I’m Proud to be Your Daughter
Let me know if you need some more ideas.
Thank You so much for all the ideas for the envelopes! I’m leaving for boot camp soon and I plan on doing this for all my family members. Happy Holidays!
Brittany, that is an awesome idea. I’m sure your family is going to appreciate those letters while you’re gone.
Good luck at boot camp! And Happy Holidays to you, as well.
Hi! Can you give me ideas on what to put inside the envelopes?
I’m really having a hard time thinking what to put at it, I want him to appreciate what’s inside.;)
What you put on the inside of the cards depends on what you’re writing on the envelopes.
For example, if you have one that says Open When You Need a Reminder of why I love you, you can list a bunch of reasons why you love your significant other.
If you have one that says Open When I’ve Made You Mad, you can write about how you don’t mean to and that you love him even during your bad moments and that he needs to be patient with you.
An Open When letter about memories would include a treasured memory from your relationship.
If you need more ideas, please feel free to leave another comment about what the outside of your envelopes say so I can give you more ideas.
Thanks so much for the idea I think its amazing I’m definintly going to make them for my boyfriend (:
I like the when you need a hug one but not sure what to put on the inside for that one. Any ideas? Thank you
Hi, Cory! Thank you for stopping by.
On the inside of the hug envelope, I told my boyfriend that if ever he needs a hug, all he has to do is walk up and give me one or ask for one because one of the things I love about him is how he hugs me. And how I feel safe when his arms around me.
So you could talk about what your boyfriend’s hugs mean to you. This also works for when you’re not around to give him one when he needs it. I would even suggest adding in a picture of you two with your arms around each other as a visual representation of hugging. It’s something for him to focus on.
You could even tell him to close his eyes and picture how you smell and the feel of your arms around him.
I hope that helps.
Thank you! It was very helpful
Yesterday was my 7 year anniversary with my honey, im deffinately going to do this
Thank You! very sweet idea
You’re very welcome. I hope your honey loves them.
I think this is an awesome idea! I’m debating on whether to make this for our anniversary next month or right before he ships out to boot camp.
That’s a tough one. My advice? While they would be wonderful for your Anniversary, I think they would be extra special for when he goes off to Boot Camp because it gives him something to read while he’s gone. You could make it part of a surprise going away gift basket or something. Just my two cents. I’m sure no matter when you give them to him that he will love them.
My fiance and I also met on OKC :). Been dating 3+ years, getting married June 2015. Glad to see another success story! Love this post.
This is such a great idea!!!! I was hoping to do this for my fiancé for Valentines Day because this is our last one before we get married and I want it to be extra special but unfortunately I don’t have the funds to do something big, and this is such a great idea! Thanks for listing the categories I can’t wait to see how he likes this!! I once did another one I saw on Pinterest, the one with reasons why I love him in a pill dispenser for every day of the week and he loved it! So km hoping he loves this even more, thank you again! God bless
Britteney, I can tell you this from my own personal experience. It doesn’t matter how much you spend. If he loves you, as I suspect he does, the homemade stuff will mean more. It did to my boyfriend. Everything I’ve made him has made him teary-eyed. They touch his heart in such a profound way, and I love to put that smile on his face.
And congrats on the impending nuptials. May you both have a long, happy and loving marriage together.
I really like this idea! I think I am going to do this for Valentine’s Day. I am stumped on what to put for before you fall asleep and if you have had a long day…any suggestions?
Hi, Erica.
What I did for the “before you fall asleep” letter was write about how my boyfriend is my last thought before I fall asleep, and how I love waking up beside him each day. Of course, you don’t wake up beside your significant other each day, that won’t work. However, you could say I can’t wait to wake up beside you every day.
As for when you have a long day, you could say something about having your SO call you so he/she can hear your voice and feel their stress slip away. Or you could tell them to come to you for a backrub, hug, kiss and I love you because when you get those things they always make you feel better.
Thank you so much for such a lovely idea! My boyfriend and I live in different countries and this is perfect for the moments that he needs a little reminder of our goals, our love, and why we are worth fighting for!
Hi, Lee Ann! I hope your boyfriend loves these letters as much as my boyfriend did. And kudos to you for maintaining a long distance relationship. They aren’t easy but are totally worth it.
I came across this idea on Pinterest and I fell in love with it. I had been trying to figure out something to do for my boyfriend when he came to visit me, since hes stationed in VA, while I’m studying here in Texas, and this seems like the perfect thing since the distance really gets to us sometimes. I was wondering however, if you had anymore ideas for the “open whens..”
How about “Open When You Want to Know Why I Admire You”? I suspect that you admire your boyfriend a great deal for serving his country. I think it would mean a lot to him if you wrote a letter that talks about how much you admire that sacrifice he makes and how proud of him you are.
Also, are you moving to be with him once you’re done your schooling? You could reword some of the letters currently listed. You could say “Open When You Want to Know What I Want Us to Do When I Move to Be With You”. Or if you plan on having children, you could have one that says, “Open When You Want to Know What I Will Teach our Future Children About Their Dad”.
Let me know if you need more ideas.
Hmm would you mind sparing 2 or 3 more? (:
I absolutely love this idea!! I had no idea what I was going to give my boyfriend on a college students budget and this is so perfect! I love all these Idea! I hope he Likes what I have to say!
I hope he likes them too!
I absolutely love this idea! My boyfriend’s birthday is coming up after Valentine’s Day, so I’m going to do a week of celebrating by giving him something every day from the 14th to his birthday (the 19th.)
I was wondering how you went about doing the “When you need a reminder of why you love me.” I don’t want to sound conceited or rude or anything when I write, so i was wondering if you could spare an example or two! I would be extremely grateful!
Kaitlyn, I don’t believe you will sound conceited if you mention all the reasons you boyfriend has told you why he loves you. That’s what I did.
This is a great idea, my boyfriend and I have been living together for nearly 2 years but now he’s got to move to another city to work and I can’t follow him because of my school… So I think this will be a great way of reminding him of how much I love him when he’s not feeling it because of the distance :>
I’m sorry to hear that your boyfriend is moving. Long distance relationships are hard and they take a lot of work, but they are very rewarding and can make your relationship that much stronger.
While this post is a great idea, your thoughtful answers to all the comments has been even more helpful. I love the envelope topics for a daughter; my daughter is 14 and I’m divorced from her dad, and I think these would be lovely for her! Thanks so much for the ideas!
Thank you for the kind words. I love all the comments I receive and I’m absolutely blown away by how many people have found this post and love the idea. I’m glad I can help everyone come up with ideas to make these letters work for them. And I’m sure your daughter is going to love them. My stepdaughter has asked me to write them for her when she goes away for her class trip. I think it’s a great idea.
I love the idea! My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 years but I know he is the one. Just wanted to get some help on what kinds of things you wrote on your letters like “open when you want a hug and a kiss” and “open when you want to talk”…. Thanks for your help!
Thank you so much for your help with the titles! I did this for my boyfriend for Valentines Day. We’ve been working on our communication and I think this will help!
I just saw this on Pinterest and I can’t thank you enough for the ideas. My boyfriend is deploying in a few days, this will be our first deployment. I want him to know how much i care about him
You’re very welcome. I’m sure these letters will make your boyfriend extremely happy and will help him get through his deployment.
And I want to thank you because you just gave me an awesome idea for a post regarding deployments.
I love this idea! I think I will have to make a set for my son (about to turn 12)….and hubby (23rd anniversary is coming up), my Mom,…so many possibilities! Thank you for sharing.
You’re very welcome. These letters work great for all loved ones. I’m glad you are going to make them for two special guys in your life.
What kind of paper for the letter?
Like a card or line paper or construction?
I used cardstock. I’m sure you could use whatever you have on hand, though.
Thank you so much for this idea! I love it!
Hi Nicole,
Wonderful idea and I just loved it. It’s my husband’s birthday next Month and my Mom’s birthday day after and for both I prepared these letters and I hope they would Like it
Hi Nicole!
My boyfriends birthday is next week and I really want to do this however I am not creative at all. what should i put in the ones that say before you fall asleep at night, when youre missing me….etc
I saw these letters and thought they would be perfect for my sort of Long Distance Relationship! It’s a weird story but we met over an app and 2 years later we are still talking and our relationship has grown like crazy. In a month or so Im shipping a package to him just so he can finally have something from me and I feel like these would be perfect for it but I was wondering if you could throw out any ideas on some creative “long distance” envelopes. For example, I’d love to do the “When you need a hug” envelope but he hasn’t hugged me yet but I still want him to get something like that. I’m just not quite sure how I’d do that! Anyone’s input is welcomed
My son is getting ready to head off to bootcamp and I have to say that I am not handling it well. Do you have any ideas for envelopes for my son while he is away at bootcamp? I want to be as supportive as I can be. By the way, thank you for doing this it’s really nice of you.
I absolutely adore this idea. My boyfriend and I have been involved in a long distance relationship for over 4 years. We are separated by 1800 miles but couldn’t be any more in love. I recently just got back from visiting him and I plan on inserting a picture of us with each letter I write along with a scrapbook of our last eat visit. Thank you so much for posting this wonderful idea. I’m so excited that I’m starting my letters immediately.
I found this today and I am really excited to use it! I have two different people that I would like to use this for. One is for my sister that has been diagnosised with stage 3 and 4 brain cancer. The other is for my 11 year old grand daughter that has anxiety issues and is bi polar. Could you giveme suggestions for these two different tales of love? Thank you and this was such a blessing for me.
Thank you, Theresa, for your message.
Both of your situations are very unique and require a different take for sure.
Here are my suggestions.
For your sister, these are my suggestions in addition to the ones listed within the post:
Open When Your Feeling Defeated
Open When You Don’t Know Why You Should Keep Fighting
Open When You Need to Know Why You Inspire Us or When You Need to Know Why You’re Our Hero
Open When You Feel Down
Open When You Need a Laugh
Open When You Want to Know What Our Favorite Memory Together Is
Here are my suggestions for your grand daughter.
Open When You Feel Frustrated By How/What You Feel
Open When You Need to be Reminded You’re Not Alone
Open When You Are Anxious and Afraid
Open When You Need to Know How Proud of You I Am
Open When You Need a Reminder of How Strong You Are
Open When You’re Sad
I hope these ideas help.
I love this idea, with the letters. I am going to do it for my boyfriend !!!
I was not able to subscribe to your new posts??
Tracy, I hope your boyfriend loves the letters.
Did you enter your email under the Subscribe to Blog via email? Once you enter your email address, the page refreshes and should say: “An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email now and click activate to start subscribing.”
I just tried it and was sent the activation email. I clicked the link included in the email and it takes me to a subscription management page.
Could you tell me what is happening for you that way I can fix it? Thanks!
Although I do not have a significant other I love this idea. I have grandchildren that I am very close to yet I live very far from. I think this would be a wonderful idea for them. Thank you so much for sharing this and your wonderfu story. Wishing you many more joyful years.
I really love this idea!! Thank you so much!! I met my better half in an insanely similar manner, we are now reaching our first year anniversary and I wanted something that said to him how loved and important he is to me! It has been a year of struggle since we leaved pretty far apart but eventually we conquered the struggles and continue to be happy and striving for each other.
LOVE this! I have been planning on doing this for my boyfriend, but I could only come up with a few topics for my letters! This really helped me finish out my list!
That being said, I am also doing a set of these for my sister who will be graduation high school in the spring. If anyone else is interested a few of the topics I’m doing are:
-When you’re feeling homesick
-When you feel like there’s too much to handle
-When you have a bad professor
-When you get a bad exam score
-When you’re sick of campus food
-When you need to be pampered
-When you stay up too late studying
And then for some of them since I am incorporating this as her gift, I am including little gift cards for some (nail salon, coffee shop, restaurant, etc.)
Hope I could help someone out the way you helped me out!
Thanks for sharing your ideas. I’m sure everyone else will find them helpful too.
i have a best friend that is a boy that is moving away next month. I made him a scrapbook but dont feel it is enough. i decided i am going to make these. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS?
P.S. Please help!!!!!
These are all wonderful ideas! Does anyone have any for moms and dads? Any ideas?
I think this is such a fun and romantic idea. It is absolutely the cheapest but best present anyone can give, or receive. It’s more valuable than diamonds or gold. I plan on doing mine right now. Thank you for the great idea. It is absolutely priceless.
You’re very welcome, Nikki. I’m still so glad I shared this idea with others.
I decided to make these for my boyfriend because we haven’t had the easiest relationship, and I wanted to show him that I am always thinking about him! I can’t wait for him to read them.
Making steps to wedding day with alil fun
I absolutely love this idea! My fiancé works out of town alot with pipe lining. This would be a wonderful thing for him!And our anniversary is 3 days away so its perfect timing for finding this! Thank you for this!!!
I LOVE this idea soo much. I was thinking about doing this for my boyfriend for Christmas. we have been together for two months and he is my absolute best friend (we are 16& 17yrs old) and we don’t go to school together so we can only see each other on weekends. I was wondering if you thought this would be a good idea for him even though its our first big holiday together and if so do you think you could give me a few ideas that fit our “situation”
I was so pleased to find your idea! It’s ingenious! I’m actually flying out to see my sister for a week so I’ve made these for my boyfriend to open while I’m away. Here are a few ideas I put in for him.
…for when you need some love.
…for when you’re alone.
…for when you need a laugh OR you’re with fun company (small adult riddle game to play)
…for when you and with your daughter (shapes game/coloring pages)
…for when you(‘re) hurt.
…for when you need a boost.
I had a blast making the little game and getting the activity kit together for him and his daughter. Great idea!
Krystyna, the coloring pages was a brilliant idea!! I’m sure others will like that idea too. I think I may go back and add a section of ideas others have shared. I think it will help others like you.
I need some ideas for the wife …. what would be something short and simple. sweet and to the point?
Do you write ACTUAL letters or just cards or something inside to remind them of times or things???
What a brilliant idea! I am pregnant with our 3rd child and have been searching for the perfect gift for my husband! I was feeling SO UNINSPIRED until I stumbled across this! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I also love how much time and thought you put into the comments section! You are awesome
Thanks, Haley. I try to respond to as many comments as possible in hopes I can help others. I hope your husband loves the gift.
I met my husband on OKcupid 3 years ago. I felt the same as you from the moment he first messaged me. 4 months into our relationship I asked him to marry me. 1 1/2 years later we got married and coming up is the 3 year anniversary of our first date….
This is a cute idea. It’s nice to see another hopeless romantics flames burning bright. Good luck to you and your love.
Aw, Teresa! It’s nice to hear about other OKCupid success stories. Though others have had bad experiences on there and on POF, I never would have met my husband had it not been for OKC. He is the love of my life and my best friend. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.
Good luck to you and your husband and I hope you have many years of happiness and love ahead of you.
I’m joining the Air Force when I finish uni and I think this will be great for when I’m deployed abroad or when my boyfriend is deployed abroad and we won’t be able to share a lot of special moments together.
Sarah, I think this is a great idea for you and your boyfriend. Maybe you should each write letters that the other can’t read until deployed. I think it will make you feel closer to each other.
I think this i an awesome idea. I am engaged to an amazing woman. we have our ups and downs but I would love to do something like this to make her feel special. any ideas of how I could do this kind of idea. she has no kids and I do. I also thought it would be cool if maybe I get the kids involved in something like this as well.
I think it’s a wonderful idea to get the kids involved!! I think they could write letters about why she’s a great stepmom. Or what their favorite memory is of her. Many of the ideas I’ve mentioned within my post and in the comments can certainly be tweaked so they work for children.
As for ideas for you, I think mentioning why you think she’s an awesome stepmother is a great idea. And maybe a letter about how blessed you feel to have her in your life. Definitely have one that gives her a glimpse into the ideas you have for your future together. It’s fun to daydream about what the future holds.
I thought your story was so funny because my boyfriend and i met on Okcupid also and what are the chances..we fell in love and have been dating long distance for about 10 months. I love this idea and will be implementing it. Goodluck to you both!
Thank you, Kris, and good luck to you and your boyfriend too. I love hearing about others who met on OKC and have made their relationships work.
I have to start by saying I Love this idea. So now, my husband and I have been married for 2 in a half years. I love them more than he knows and I would like to know ideas of topics that would be just about him and us. I don’t want anything that has to do with good things about self. He means everything to me and if it wasn’t for him I probably wouldn’t be around, he saved me from a really bad time in my life. Please help me.
Well, without knowing your situation, it’s hard to be specific. Many of the topics I shared, though, would work for you as a couple. Sharing prized memories of your time together and how much of a difference he’s made in your life is not only good for him to read when he’s down, but it’s also a great reminder for you when you’re having a bad day.
Maybe you could do this for each other. Maybe he writes a set of letters for you and you for him. That way, no matter what happens, you both have ones to help you through.
If you would like to email me with more specifics so I can be more helpful, please feel free to. My email address is
Boy boyfriend and I are also a dating site success. Im very gald to have him in my life and I decided that Im doing this for valentines day for him. But I was just curious as to what you would put in the ‘Open Now or Open When You Get This’ letter. Im at a loss for words for that one.
Hi im about to do this project i fell in love with it im a newlywed so i love to always try to keep the love in the air but i need alittle more help… inside the envelopes what written or whats in it is it your feelings to him ? a picture or what? please get back to me asap
This is such a lovely idea!
I just don’t really know what I could write in the letter “Open when you are having a bad day” for my boyfriend… Could someone give me some ideas?
Hi Ines, when my boyfriend and I have a bad day we rely on each other to cheer each other up. So for me I would tell him how he makes my day better and brighter.
Suggestions of what to write inside?
Hi, my boyfriend and I will be celebrating our first Valentines Day together this year and also our first anniversary in March and I would like to do this for him as a gift for one of these events. We don’t get to see each other very often especially in the fall because he is busy helping coach football.
I’m having trouble thinking of some really good ideas for the envelopes and what to put in the letter for each one. I think I might also put pictures in some of the envelopes too.
I would really like to do one that’s says…
Open when you need to know how important you are to me, but I’m not sure what exactly to say.
Also my little sister will be going to college next year and I would like to make this for her for a graduation gift. Can you give me some ideas?
Honestly, I can’t say exactly what to say because I don’t know what your relationships are like. However, I feel that you should be completely honest and say exactly why your boyfriend is important to you and why he has made such a difference in your life. Give examples of the difference he has made.
As far as your sister goes, I would follow the same ideas. Share memories of your time growing up. Give her words of encouragement when she’s feeling down or unsure about her path in life. Talk about what you hope your relationship will be like when you’re both older.
Thanks so much!
I’ve come up with a few that I need ideas for the notes…
Open before you go coach
Open when you need my love
Open when you lose a close game ( I’d like to have a few different ideas to put in so he has different ones for each game)
Open when you win a game ( same as above)
Open when you need a reminder of why we’re worth fighting for
Open when you need a kiss
Open when you wish I was here with you
Open when you’ve had a long day
Open when you’re afraid you’ve hurt me in someway
Open when I’m sad and you don’t know what to do
Open when you’re feeling blue
It’s hard for me to write out my feelings and just need a little help on what to write.
Sorry never mind my last post. I’ve decided to change some of them. I also came up with things to say the ones I’m still having trouble with are.
Open before you go coach
Open when you need my love
I LOVE THIS! I am working on it now for my husband for a Valentines Day gift. We are closing on our first home the end of this month and agreed not to do anything big for gifts due to needing the money to get settled into our new house.
I love all of yours envelope topics, but I added one of my own and wanted to share it.
“You need alone time with me outside of the house…”
I completed the envelope with a gift card to a restaurant we have been meaning to try out, a coupon for a movie of his choice and a promise from our oldest daughter for a night of free babysitting.
Thanks for the great idea! I am sure he is going to LOVE this!
I’d love to do this for Mother’s Day for my mom, grandma, and aunt (who is also my godmother). Do you have any ideas you could give me for the Open when’s?
I also wanted to suggest some ones I’ve thought of for Mother’s who want to do this for their child.
Open on…Your Wedding Day
Open on…Your 18th Birthday
Open on…Your 21st Birthday
Open when…You become a mom/dad
Open on…Your Graduation Day
Open when…You need some love from mom/mom & dad
Open when…You’ve fallen in love with a boy/girl
Open when…Life gets too hard
My boyfriend and have known each other for three years now. We were friends for those three years. After each of us ended a terrible and failing relationship, we became closer and we both healed together. I went away to college out of state and lost touch, but when I returned over a year later; he was there to reach out once again.
At this point we became inseparable and started a relationship together; on Valentine’s Day! However, we both were dealing with some personal issues and growth and ended up going our separate ways. Ten months past and we somehow found each other again on dating site, hung out again, and instantly picked things back up where we had left off.
This valentine’s day will mark our one year anniversary, and I think this idea will be great tor our relationship. I am so thankful that, despite life getting in the way, we have found each other time and time again. We have now never been closer, and never been more in love. When it is meant to be….it falls into place!
I cannot wait to do this for our anniversary! Thank you so much for the idea! <3
Can you give me some ideas for a best friend?
This made me cry. I was on Pinterest looking for graduation ideas when this page came up. It literally caught my breath as I thought of putting a set of letters in an antique cigar box for my oldest to take to college in the fall… like a little piece of my heart is tucked in each letter there when she needs it and I can’t be. Love, love, love! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this idea with us and thank you to the person that created it. My girlfriend and I have only been going out for a month and this is such a perfect idea, especially considering that I live in the states and she lives in Australia. I am so doing this. Thank you again!
And yes, I’m a guy and I love this sort of thing!
I’ve been looking at this for months I’m so the least creative person me and my bf one year is coming up and i have no clue what to put side please help me
I hope he liked them!
I need help thinking of some for my boyfriend. June 21st will be eight months of us dating. And I love to do crafty things for him. Last month I did 52 reasons why I love him with a card deck. Then I saw this and it’d be perfect.
do you give them all to your mate at the same time or?????
I do not like #3 so I changed it to …you need a reminder why I love you
That is great I am glad to hear about your dating success. It must be meant to be if it finally clicked at the right time.
Good luck in the future.
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Thanks for this Amazing idea!! My hubby n I have been married 26 years! A lot of good times and a lot of rough moments! We all Everything to God! Even on those days we don’t like each other we love each other unconditionally thru God! Anyhow love your love story! Blessings Always!
Omg thxs so much i really needed help
My husband and I are High School sweethearts. We have been together for 12 years now, so finding something to do for him that is unique for Valentine’s Day, or Anniversaries is getting kinda hard. (We just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary.) When I saw this post, it made me so excited. This is a great way to celebrate your life and love with someone.
Wondered if you could help me with what you put in the envelopes? Xx
This a great idea for my mom I’m not In a relationship with anyone but my momma’s anniversary is soon!!!
This is a really cute idea xxx I
it xxxx
I’m thinking very highly of doing something like this but it would be for a friend that I am totally in love with and I think she kind of feels the same way but doesn’t quite no I think she’s very kind of confused and I want her to see these and read these as this is kind of where I stand and I want her to read this and really feel that I love her not just me saying it to her any suggestions
can u share what is written in each card plzzz
I met someone on these dating sites. But his ex wife did a big number on his head. He keep thinking I was cheating on him he had me keep letting me know when I got to work and home. I never exprerirnced someone like this. He had nothing to back up his allegations . I’m not that way. We shared our location so I thought it would help him believe me of were I’m at. It made it worse the GPS would say I’m not were I’m at and I was accused of not being home when I was .