And no, it’s not because I’m lazy, contrary to the belief some hold.
Although, I admit, there are days I feel like a complete failure because my TO DO List isn’t completely checked off. I end up feeling lazy because I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted to in one day. And I do realize that it’s nearly impossible for me to accomplish all that I want during my hours awake, but it doesn’t stop me from being so hard on myself.
It doesn’t stop me from criticizing myself and calling myself names.
And when I call myself names, my boyfriend gets mad at me because he is one of the rare few that I know who understand and appreciate how hard I actually work every day.
He’s the first to admit he had NO IDEA before we started dating how time consuming what I do is.
He didn’t realize how many HOURS it takes to do what I do.
He didn’t realize I could work 24/7 and still not get everything done because a blogger’s work is NEVER done. There’s always MORE we could do on or for our sites.
While others see me as wasting time on Facebook, those who do what I do, know that Social Networking is vital to a blogger’s success. Everything we post, all conversations we have, contribute to our site and our brand. That is WORK to us. That’s not a stupid time filler.
Although, when I do take a few minutes for myself to play a game, that is NOT work-related, and I admit it. During those times, I’m forcing myself to checkout and attempt to let my brain chill for a few. It doesn’t always work, but it’s something I have to do for my brain or I get overwhelmed. And when that happens, I get emotional.
Today, though, I actually feel good about what I’ve accomplished. There’ s no critical words bouncing around my head.
I don’t feel the need to down myself.
I am a happy with my accomplishments today and I love that feeling.
I can’t say that tomorrow will be the same, but I’m going to try my hardest to cut myself some slack from here on out. I know I need to in order to protect my mental health. Thinking negatively all the time doesn’t help me, the ones I love or this blog. Instead of focusing on the things I don’t get done each day, I need to focus on what I do finish and be proud of it.
And on those days when I have a hard time acknowledging what I’ve done, I know my boyfriend will be right there to point it out to me.
*Photo courtesy of jdurham at MorgueFile.
It is hard to work from home. We always want to do our best and be our best so we constantly add more to our plate. Unlike a regular B&M job where they have a clear understanding of what their day-to-day job entails we have many hats to put on. They were hired to do a specific job, where as most of us do many things. We need a serving plate instead of a salad when it comes to having so much on our plates. It is hard to find balance and I am struggling with it no more than ever. Thanks for reminding me its ok when I don’t check off every box with – complete.
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