As you’ve probably noticed by now, it’s been very quiet around here. I’ve been busy working, which at various points has included five different jobs. Crazy, I know!
I’ve also been focusing on my personal writing more. Over the past couple of months I’ve published one novelette, A Second Chance, and one short story, Sacrifice. Promoting both of these stories while working on my other pieces, which includes a YA novel and a fantasy novel, as well as several others short stories, takes up a lot of time.
I’ve even been featuring a ton of guest bloggers on my personal site, as well as taking the opportunity to interview some of them.
All of this is in addition to still being a mom to my two children while helping out my mother who has been dealing with some serious back problems. To say I’m stretched thin would be an understatement.
My workload has lightened up some, though, so I hope to focus more time on this site. I plan on featuring guest blog posts from Amber Ortega, a good friend of mine who I’m in awe of. I think she will provide all of you with a wealth of information on how to save money when shopping.
One other thing that I’ll be adding to the site is a secti0n called Frugal Reads, which will support and promote my fellow indie authors. So keep an eye out! And if you’d like to be featured, please let me know at [email protected]