Allow me to gush for a moment, if you will.
I make no secret of the fact that I’m madly in love with my boyfriend. I’m head over heels crazy about him. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank the Powers that Be for bringing him into my life. It was unexpected event but also a welcome one.
We recently celebrated a year and a half together, and we’re not sure how. It’s not because we don’t get along, because we do. It’s because that year and a half has literally flown by. It’s like we blinked and BAM! Here we are.
Over the past year and a half I’ve gotten to know my boyfriend better than anyone, and he’s the first to admit it. We are so in sync, at times, that I know what he’s thinking before he says it. Sometimes it weirds him out, but he knows it’s because of the connection we have to each other. It’s a connection that runs deep beneath the surface, something that has kept us strong in spite of all the drama and stress we’ve had to deal with.
So when a moment like this comes along, where I get the chance to gush about him, I eagerly take it. He’s not used to someone showing him how important and special he is, so I know it means a lot to him when I share with others how truly wonderful he is.
Last week my boyfriendwas interviewed by NHPR about stoves for a piece on how woodstove prices will be going up due to new regulations set forth by the EPA. This morning, the interviewed aired. We didn’t know when it would, and the only reason we found out it did today was because my boyfriend’s father called my boyfriend and asked if he had been interviewed.
We then, of course, jumped online to see if we could find a link to the interview. And we did. Now I’m sharing it with all of you.