Yesterday my July ipsy Bag came in the mail and I was super excited to check it out. I’ve been a member of ipsy for two months now, and I am not disappointed in the least. The $10 a month that they charge is totally worth it, in my opinion.
You can sign up here, but be prepared to be on a waitlist for a bit. I think I was on for about a month.
Every month your ipsy bag will arrive in a cute bag. This month’s is my favorite out of the two I’ve received. It’s hot pink and perfect to carry makeup in.
The contents:
- bareMinerals 5-in-1 BB Advanced Performance Cream Eyeshadow Broad Spectrum SPF 15
- Hang Ten Dark Tanning Oil SPF 08
- Pixi Beauty Mini Tinted Brilliance Balm
- POP Beauty Sunkissed Bronzer
- Sexy Hair Soy Renewal Beach Spray Conditioning & Texturizing Spray
And here’s me after trying out the bareMinerals eyeshadow, the texturizing spray and the lip balm.