Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for BAND-AID® Brand. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
With Veteran’s Day just several days away, I can’t help but think about all of the sacrifices the men and women of our Armed Forces have made in the name of freedom, some of whom I’m related to by blood and marriage, or whom I’m friends with or know of through friends.
I can’t help but think about how much our men and women have sacrificed while defending our country.
Many of our men and women come back damaged, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Some don’t make it back at all.
Others lose their loved ones because they can’t handle the stress of loving someone who is always in danger, who still hear the sounds of war echoing in their heads even when their home.
Some come home and are treated poorly by their fellow Americans when they were just doing their job.
When I was in 9th grade I had to write an essay on the Vietnam War. A friend of mine’s step-dad had served during the war and was left with many scars that were invisible to the naked eye. But it was through the answers to the questions I asked of him that let me see what he endured upon his return stateside.
I remember reading the answers and crying and hurting for him because no one should be treated the way he and so many others were when they returned home. I know it couldn’t have been easy for him to share all that he did with me, but he did, and for that I will always be grateful.
For that, I will always be changed.
Our veterans deserve our respect. Our gratitude. They deserve to be recognized for the contributions they’ve made to this world. And they deserve to feel connected to their communities and not shunned or cast to the side like garbage. These are people who hurt just like the rest of us. They deserve our help and support…our kindness and love.
To show our support for the armed forces and their families, we have donated supplies to those in need. I’ve even sent care packages and letters, offering kind words and encouragement to those who were serving overseas at the time.
See how the OUR VETERAN HEROES™ BAND-AID® Brand is helping our veterans

Right now, when you purchase OUR VETERAN HEROES™ BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages, (available at Walmart, Target, Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid) the OUR VETERAN HEROES™ BAND-AID® Brand donates 5% of the sale price of each box sold to Team Red, White & Blue.
Team Red, White & Blue Old Glory Coast to Coast Relay Info
OUR VETERAN HEROES™ BAND-AID® is also the proud sponsor of the Team Red, White & Blue Old Glory Coast to Coast Relay, which began on September 11th and goes until November 11th. Participants in the race will carry an American flag from coast to coast (3,800 miles) to help raise awareness, along with funds, for veterans communities throughout the U.S.
OUR VETERAN HEROES™ BAND-AID® will also be donating $1.00 for message shared by consumers that offers words of encouragement to Relay participants, as well as thanking veterans for their service, up to a total of $25,000. If you would like to help the effort, please visit www.bandaid.com/heroes to share your messages and words of encouragement.
You can also use #RunWithGlory on Facebook, and Twitter to share your thoughts.
Also, you can connect with the OUR VETERAN HEROES™ BAND-AID® Brand on Facebook.