Disclosure: I participated in an Ambassador Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Lay’s. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
When you’re mom to two biological children and two (almost) stepchildren, as well as two furbabies, life can get more than a little hectic, especially when three of the four kids have activities that overlap. (Those days would be easier if the boyfriend and I had clones to lend a hand.)
On those days, I usually don’t get a moment to stop and relax. Those days are go go go from the moment I climb out of bed until I crawl back into bed that night. I’m not complaining, though.
I love my life.
I love being a mom.
And I love the job that I have.
That doesn’t mean, though, that a little “Me Time” wouldn’t be appreciated, because it would. During those moments where I actually *gasp* allow myself to chill out, I like to curl up on the couch, fire up Netflix to watch one of my favorite shows (Battlestar Galactica, Haven, Scandal, etc.) and eat some chips and dip.
See, I’m NOT a sweets girl. Sure, I will eat dessert now and then, but I’d rather have salty food any day of the week.
And since I have such a fondness for chips and dip, I have to be extremely careful when I allow myself to indulge because I will keep eating until the dip is gone. And that is NOT healthy. Although, I do try to make my dip with fat free sour cream now because of my lack of self-control.
One of my favorite chips to eat right now is Lay’s Ranch chips. Unfortunately, there’s only ONE dang place I can get them…Subway. One of their small bags doesn’t cut it. Why can’t I get a large bag? *sigh* Maybe it’s for my own good.
Because I’m a self-named Chip Fiend, I absolutely loved trying out the new Lay’s flavors last summer. Our whole family did. And we can’t wait to try out the new ones this summer. And if there’s one chip flavor I would love to see made, it’s a pulled pork one since that’s one of our family-favorite meals.
We began making homemade pulled pork after our favorite barbecue joint, Smokey Bones, closed down in Newington, New Hampshire. Seriously, we were devastated, and that is when my mom started using the McCormick Pork Rub to make pulled pork…and her and I have been making it ever since.
In fact, I made it for my boyfriend not long after we got together and it became an instant fav.
Since we love pulled pork SOO much, I thought I’d share my recipe for Pulled Pork Wraps with all of you.
It’s super easy to make AND it’s kid-friendly. I know how important that can be when you have a picky child to feed like we do.
To make our recipe, put your pork tenderloin in the crockpot. (You can do these next steps on a separate plate, but I didn’t want to dirty more dishes, so the way shared below is easier for me.)
Next, sprinkle the rub onto the pork.
Rub the Pork Rub into your tenderloin.
Flip tenderloin over and follow the same steps from above. Make sure to add about a cup of water, maybe a little more, depending on the size of your tenderloin and crockpot, to make sure the tenderloin doesn’t dry out while cooking.
I typically let the meat cook all day long. The last time I let it cook from 8am until 6pm. By that time it shredded easily and was extremely tasty. (We actually ate leftovers the next night because I made extra.)
Our favorite way to eat the pulled pork is on a tortilla with queso cheese sauce and corn chips. I know it may sound like an odd combination but trust me….it’s SOOOO good. And that’s why I would love to see Lay’s put out a chip flavor like that. NOM NOM!
Do you have a favorite recipe that you think would translate well into a Lay’s Potato Chip flavor? If so, now is your chance to make it known in the “Do Us a Flavor” contest, which is open to Lay’s fans nationwide. A panel of judges that includes chefs, foodies and flavor experts will wade through the submissions and pick four finalists, one of which could go on to win $1 million. SWEET! (See official rules for all the details!)
One thing to note that is different from last year’s competition is that fans can now choose the style of chip for the flavor when entering. Don’t miss out. The contest ends on April 5, 2014.
Good luck to all of you that enter. I can’t wait to see what the four finalists are.

- 1-2 lbs. of pork tenderloin
- McCormick Pork Rub
- Tortillas (white or whole wheat)
- Queso cheese
- Corn chips
- Barbecue sauce
- Place pork tenderloin in slow cooker.
- Sprinkle McCormick Pork Rub on the pork tenderloin and rub in.
- Flip pork tenderloin over and repeat.
- Add a 1 cup of water into the slow cooker so the pork doesn't dry out.
- Cook on low for 8-10 hours. You'll know the pork is done when it shreds easily. (Make sure to remove any fat.)
- Add barbecue sauce to taste. I don't like adding a lot to mine while others do.
- Spread pulled pork on tortilla.
- Add a spoonful of queso cheese,
- Top with corn chips.
- Roll up the wrap and enjoy!