Since I have a list on here that contains many of the reasons I’m a horrible mother, I thought it only fitting that I mention all the reasons my boyfriend is a bad father. And man are there a lot! He has to be the worst possible dad. I mean come on, any dad that sacrifices so much for his children has to be a real piece of work.
People love to point out how we’re SO bad at what we do. I think we deserve awards for being such horrible parents. What do you think? Maybe “Most Horrible Parents Ever”?
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he takes his son and daughter to their activities each week. Without complaint. Even when he’s sick.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he pays for both of his kids’ activities, even when he can’t afford to. When they need additional gear, he gets that too.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he pays his child support every week. And he never complains about it.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because when his kids are sick, he will sit up with them.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he sits up with my son when Blake is sick to make sure he’s okay and to offer me support if I need it.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he loves me and is teaching our children what a healthy relationship is like. How dare he teach our children how to behave in a relationship so it’s successful!
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he works long, odd hours at times to guarantee his children have all they need in life. And even the things they don’t need but want.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he worries about his children every second they are not with him.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he makes all four of our kids pick up after themselves.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he teaches our children responsibility and independence and to think for themselves.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he takes time off from work when possible to be at any school functions, sports games, TKD testing and recitals.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because sometimes he has to miss functions because he has to work and knows if he doesn’t work, he doesn’t get paid, which means he can’t support them.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he doesn’t correct his daughter when she burps louder than him. Instead he high fives her.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he talks in silly voices to make my son laugh. (He sometimes dances too!)
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he wrestles with his son, even though he knows that his son has a black belt in TKD and could hurt him.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he wrestles with my son so he doesn’t feel left out and not important.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he takes his children to work with him every Sunday during his Labor Day Weekend sale to teach them about working hard and responsibility.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because sometimes he’s too tired to cook so he takes the kids out to eat.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he limits our kids to one soda per day. And they aren’t allowed coffee at all.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he makes a point to ask all four kids how their days went.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he helps his children with their homework. And mine too.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because when I need help with something involving my kids, he’s there no questions asked.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he supports every thing his children want to attempt, from trying new sports to picking up a new instrument. He encourages them.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he takes his kids to school every morning so he has extra time with them since his time with them is extremely limited.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because when I’m sick, he helps takes care of my kids.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he knows my son can be difficult and a handful and yet still chooses to be with me and love my son when he could walk away.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he deals with my daughter’s moodiness.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he asks his children what they want to have for their lunches and dinners each week.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he gives his children medicine when they’re sick.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he used to stop and get my son medicine if I had run out when he was on his way to my old house. And he NEVER complained.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he’s teaching our sons how to respect women.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he’s teaching our daughters how to respect themselves.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he’s teaching our children that bullying at any age is wrong.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he’s teaching our children that lying is not good and honesty is best. We don’t tolerate lies in our house.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because despite all the outside influences causing him stress, he doesn’t take it out on our children.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he is trying to teach our children to find the silver lining in bad situations.
- My boyfriend is a bad father for teaching all four kids to stand up for the others in their family. And for those at school who get picked on.
- My boyfriend is a bad father for correcting our children when they call one of their siblings names. Namecalling is not allowed in our home.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he doesn’t approve of his kids or mine having a Facebook account.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he monitors his kids’ friends to make sure none are bad influences.
- My boyfriend is such a bad father that even his daughter’s friends call him ‘Dad’. Or they say they’re his other daughters.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he allows his kids to use his phone to text their friends. And he monitors their texts.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he doesn’t allow our daughters to wear skimpy, revealing clothing.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he sometimes yells at his kids when they do misbehave…but always feels bad for doing so afterwards.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he hates seeing his children cry. It breaks his heart.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he does not approve of his children walking home from school because of the sick perverts in this world.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he taught his kids how to fish.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he wants all four kids walking at night to help support me and Mikala’s MS walk at the end of September.
- My boyfriend is a bad father because he plays video games with his kids.
Just for clarification purposes, I DO NOT think my boyfriend is a bad father. This post is meant to be very tongue-in-cheek. I think my boyfriend is an amazing father, and my kids and I are absolutely blessed to have him in our lives, as are his two. I’ve included a few pics showing the type of father he is. And there are SO MANY more but I can’t post them because his children are in them.
I honestly wish you all could see how much he dotes on his children. And how he worries about them when they’re gone. I wish you all could see the man I know…the father our children know.
If you have not done so yet, you can check out my list on the reasons I’m a horrible, no good, very bad mom. Please feel free to leave a comment about why your children’s dad/stepdad is the worst.
I love this list. I especially love the limit of one soda per day and no coffee. It amazes me how children, tweens or teenagers are allowed to drink coffee. Not off to a great beginning.
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Thanks. It is really hard when people criticize us as parents. There are comments made that insinuate he’s truly the worst father on the planet, and it’s wrong. He’s one of the best fathers I’ve ever known next to my dad. And I completely agree with you regarding coffee. My daughter would drink it all the time if we’d let her and we don’t.